How do I secure my wedding date?
A deposit of $1,500 will be required to cover your security and damage deposit.
Please inquire with our venue manger for more information.
Is there a place for the bridal party to get ready?
Yes! Both Bridesmaids and Groomsmen have designated spaces to get ready in a comfortable space and relax in preparation for the big day!
When does music have to be turned off?
At 11p.m., all music will need to be turned off. This policy will be strictly enforced.
Is there a weather contingency plan?
Yes, we will work with you on a backup plan to include utilization of our indoor space in our main event barn incase of inclement weather.
At this time we do not allow sparkles on our property. However, we have many other great alternatives. Inquire with our venue manger for more information.
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